Hair Color Correction

Darya is the owner and founder of DH Estetika and DH Hair Boutique. She is a certified cosmetic Injector (Botox® and facial fillers), a registered nurse of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a licensed hair stylist. Darya has over 15 years of experience in the nursing field. She has been injecting beauty for over 10 years! Rest assured she knows how to make a lady or a gentleman look younger, feel better and stay beautified forever!

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Rule #1. Hair is not the same as an artist’s canvas! This means that you cannot always “repaint” hair easily by adding colors.

Rule #2. Commercial hair colors are not the same. Box hair colors are not the same as professional salon colors. Box hair colors contain a vital metallic dye that reacts with many other elements in your hair. Simply put, it adds another full layer of color to your hair every time you dye it.

Rule #3. The more metallic dye you put on your hair, the faster you sign yourself up as a “color correction client.” It gets tough to battle several layers of color (vs one layer when you use a softer formula professional color).

Rule#4. One hair color doesn’t lift another. For example, if you have dark brown colored hair and are looking to go several layers lighter, we must “strip” the color of your hair first by applying a special color correction moisture several times. Quality color correction takes 3-5 hours and costs around $300 in most cases. We do offer a free color correction consultation.

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Hair color correction is a complicated process involving multiple steps and a great deal of knowledge.

When is the color correction performed? The most common reason to do color correction is when box hair color was used previously, and multiple colors are visible due to different color application techniques. Also, color correction is needed when you want to lift (lighten ) your hair significantly after using dark (box or salon) dye.

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What to expect? The stylist will use a special wash solution several times to strip off the old hair color. Expect to be in the salon for up to 5 hours. Then, if the hair condition permits, the new color will be applied. Otherwise, your stylist will recommend deep conditioning treatment in the salon or at home to restore your hair condition. Then, an appointment will be made to color.

Visit our salon for color correction!

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Get a Consultation at DH Estetika Salon to learn more about the Tape Hair Extensions procedure.

Make an appointment or Book online here.

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